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ICharis Product

Your new eCharis is jam-packed full of content taught by men and women of taken faith from years of practical experience.

There are no advertisements, product placements or wiffle-waffle in these lessons.

It’s so simple to study…simply choose your Session, choose your Course, then choose your Lesson.

At the end of each Course there is an exam to test what you just learned. You get instant exam results – there’s no Internet connection needed to receive your results.

Here’s what you get when you own eCharis…

Andrew Wommack

1. A Sure Foundation I & II

Two subjects are covered in this course. The Integrity of the Word lesson expounds on the truth, surety,and infallibility of God’s Word. Christian Philosophy shows us that we all have a system of thought,but challenges us to examine if it is according to the Word or the world.

Barry Bennett

2. Introduction To The Bible

TA course designed to inspire confidence in the Bible as the Living Word of God by understanding its:
1. revelation
2. inspiration
3. compilation
4. preservation

Wendell Parr

3. Holy Spirit I

This is an exciting course that discusses the Person and the work of the Holy Spirit. Not only will you learn how He has worked throughout history, but how He works in your life.

Lawson Perdue

4. Bible Covenants

The purpose of this study is to learn about the nature of God as revealed in the covenants He has made with men, in order to develop our faith in God as a way of life today. We will begin with God’s covenants with Adam, Abraham, and Israel, and then we will consider the new covenant fully revealed in the New Testament.

Wendell Parr

5. Holy Spirit II

In the second Holy Spirit course you will learn the Biblical ways to receive the Holy Spirit and the objections to the baptism of the Holy Spirit. You will also learn about the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit.

Andrew Wommack

6. The Basics Of Righteousness I & II

This course teaches about our Spirit, Soul, and Body and Identity in Christ. Spirit, Soul, and Body is a study that explains how our spirits are complete in Jesus if  if we are born again and how our souls and bodies should relate to our spirits.

The Identity in Christ study shows us from Scripture who we are in Christ – our righteousness and justification.

Wendell Parr

7. Holy Spirit III

The final course of the Holy Spirit is an in-depth study of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit and how those gifts are to function in your daily life.

Lawson Perdue

8. Romans

Romans – the revelation of righteousness. The Book of Romans is considered by many as the greatest exposition of Christian doctrine anywhere in the Bible.

The revelation of righteousness is the revelation of the gospel. In this course we discover: the need for the provision of, the way to, and the power of righteousness revealed in Christ and received by faith.

Arthur Meintjes

9. Heart (Essence) Of The Gospel

Guilt, condemnation and fear seem to be the motivating factors that define many Christian’s lives, passed down from generation to generation because of ignorance of the heart or “essence” of the Gospel.

Very few people know and relate to God the way that He is revealed in the New Testament.

The Heart of the Gospel is all about God revealing His goodness, love, mercy, grace and forgiveness to a tired, worn out, and hopeless world!

Bob Yandian

10. The Beatitudes

This is a verse-by-verse course on understanding the spiritual principles of the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus explains to the fullest extent the gospel of the Kingdom of which He is King.

Andrew Wommack

11. Relationship With God I & II

This study emphasizes four important truths about God and man’s relationship with Him. The Nature of God is a study of God that distinguishes between His character and His acts, contrasting the Old Testament with the New Testament. Hardness of Heart deals with one of the major barriers that keep us from accepting all of God’s truth

Authority of the Believer helps us receive the blessings God has for us and shows us how to stop Satan from robbing us. God’s Not Guilty shows us from Scripture that God is not the author of our problems, nor does He cause bad things to happen to us.

Barry Bennett

12. Ministry Of Jesus I

An overview of the culture and context of Jesus’ life and ministry that will deal with His relationship to the Law, to women, to faith and to prayer. This course also examines the difficult sayings of Jesus and His relationship to the Kingdom.

Lawson Perdue

13. Basic Bible Doctrines

Bible doctrine will be covered in this course. Subjects include The Scriptures Inspired, One True God and The Trinity, The Deity of Jesus Christ, The Fall and Salvation of Man, The Present Day Ministry of the Holy Spirit, Divine Healing, The Return of Jesus Christ for His Church, and Heaven and Hell.

Delron Shirley

14. Finally, My Brethren

This insightful study through the first five and a half chapters of Ephesians will cover the foundational steps that Apostle Paul laid out before his often-quoted statements about putting on the spiritual armour. This course will enlighten new scriptural truths and empower you to become more than a conqueror in spiritual conflict.

Delron Shirley

15. Relationship With God III & IV

This study emphasizes four important truths about God and man’s relationship with Him. The Nature of God is a study of God that distinguishes between His character and His acts, contrasting the Old Testament with the New Testament. Hardness of Heart deals with one of the major barriers that keep us from accepting all of God’s truth.

Authority of the Believer helps us receive the blessings God has for us and shows us how to stop Satan from robbing us. God’s Not Guilty shows us from Scripture that God is not the author of our problems, nor does He cause bad things to happen to us.

Barry Bennett

16. Ministry Of Jesus II

The second course on the ministry of Jesus studies His virgin birth and divinity and details His life from His mission, baptism, temptation and ministry. Ministry of Jesus II also examines His relationship with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Andrew Wommack

17. The First Book of John

The object of Christianity is our relationship with God – a study through the book of I John.

Dan Funkhouser

18. What Faith Is And How To Live By It

We will be studying how God operated in faith and see that we also have the same measure of faith in our lives. We will discover that faith operates from our heart and our confession of God’s Word.

Arthur Meintjes

19. Essential Truths Of The New Testament

There are many truths in the Bible, but not all the truths in the Bible are essential and foundational. The big tragedy is that many times the truths that Christians major on, and build their lives upon, are non-essential or non-foundational truths.

It will not necessarily be what you believe about healing or prosperity that will determine whether you will fall or stand when you’re sick, or when you’re in poverty.

It will most probably be what you believe about the essential and foundational truth of the Gospel, because all other truths must be based and founded on this truth in order to work.

Andrew Wommack

20. Receiving From God I & II

In this two-part course you will learn the power of New Testament prayer. You will learn what prayer is and what prayer isn’t. The second part of this course deals with divine healing. You will learn the laws and faith of healing and why sometimes people are not healed.

Wendell Parr

21. Old Testament Survey I

This is an overview of the Old Testament.

In this course, students will study the author, historical setting, purpose, and theme of each book; special attention is given to some of the key passages, especially those pointing to Jesus in the New Testament.

Barry Bennett

22. Healing

The Christian life includes physical health for all who believe. It is as much God’s will that we be physically whole as it is that we be born again.

Before anyone can have faith for healing, he/she must be certain of God’s will. Faith cannot go beyond the knowledge of God’s will and God’s ways in the area of health and healing.

This course will establish principles for health and healing and will explain healing in terms of the spirit, soul and body of man. We will learn what is required of us as faith filled Christians, and what is God’s part in the process of receiving health in our bodies.

Wendell Parr

23. Old Testament Survey II

This is the second section in an overview of the Old Testament. In this course, you will study the author, historical setting, purpose, and theme of Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth and I & II Samuel. Special attention is given to some of the key passages, especially those pointing to Jesus in the New Testament

Lawson Perdue

24. In Christ Realities

A course designed to give us an understanding of our new identity in Christ, the value of our identity in Christ and how that identity helps us fulfill the purpose and plan of God in our lives.

Wendell Parr

25. Old Testament Survey III

This is the third section in an overview of the Old Testament. In this course, you will study the author, historical setting, purpose, and theme of I & II Kings, I & II Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Ester, Job and Psalms. Special attention is given to some of the key passages, especially those pointing to Jesus in the New Testament.

Barry Bennett

26. Galatians

Paul’s inspired letter which is often referred to as the ‘Magna Carta’ of Christian liberty is reviewed and studied in terms of its great themes: grace, revelation, our identity in Christ, faith, the Law vs. theblessing of Abraham and life in the Spirit.

Andrew Wommack

27. Finances, Giving And Prosperity

There is an “anti-prosperity teaching” attitude in the church today, and yet most of the people with that attitude want to prosper. There are reasons this attitude is so prevalent.

Some prosperity teachers live lifestyles that accommodate criticism, but faith for prosperity comes by hearing teaching on prosperity.

Greg Mohr

28. Excellence In Ministry

This course covers two key aspects of ministry development and success:

1. Identifying and establishing core values your life and ministry are grounded in. Compromise, deception and failure are averted when core values are established in the heart of the minister.

2. The essential leadership principles necessary for the minister to both lead people to fulfill his/her vision and become a leader worth following.

Amstutz / Terradez

29. Prayer Ministry Training

This course is applicable for any believer who wants to be trained in “how to minister” to those in need of healing, as well as, pastors and leaders who also want to grow in this area.

Andrew Wommack

30. Receiving From God III & IV

Learn how to live under the covenant of God’s perpetual blessing. If you are not prospering in every area of your life, this course will help you discover the extent of your blessings under the New Covenant and teach you how to live there.

Wendell Parr

31. Old Testament Survey IV

This is the fourth section in an overview of the Old Testament. In this course, you will study the author, historical setting, purpose, and theme of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah and Jeremiah. Special attention is given to some of the key passages, especially those pointing to Jesus in the New Testament.

Barry Bennett

32. Discipleship Evangelism I

This course has been designed so that anyone, at anytime, anywhere can reach an unbeliever, disciple new believers, or grow with others in the Lord.

This first of three courses studies topics like: Rightness by Grace, Relationship with God, The Nature of God, Identity in Christ, The Integrity of God’s Word, The Power of a Spirit-Filled Life and The Benefits of Speaking in Tongues.

Wendell Parr

33. Old Testament Survey V

This is the fifth section in an overview of the Old Testament. In this course, you will study the author, historical setting, purpose, and theme of Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos and Obadiah. Special attention is given to some of the key passages, especially those pointing to Jesus in the New Testament.

Barry Bennett

34. Discipleship Evangelism II

This course has been designed so that anyone, at anytime, anywhere can reach an unbeliever, disciple new believers, or grow with others in the Lord.

This second of three courses studies topics like: How to Meditate on God’s Word, Renewing the Mind, The Authority of the Believer, Healing in the Atonement, Hindrances to Healing, Marriage, God’s Love, Finances and Prayer.

Wendell Parr

35. Old Testament Survey VI

This is the sixth section in an overview of the Old Testament. In this course, you will study the author, historical setting, purpose, and theme of Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. Special attention is given to some of the key passages, especially those pointing to Jesus in the New Testament.

Barry Bennett

36. Discipleship Evangelism III

This course has been designed so that anyone, at anytime, anywhere can reach an unbeliever, disciple new believers, or grow with others in the Lord.

This third of three courses studies topics like: Operating on the Gifts and Miracles, Godly Relationships, Persecution, Grace vs Law, The Fruit of Salvation, Developing Your Testimony and Discipling Others.

Greg Mohr

37. The Fruit Of The Spirit

God’s very first words to man connects our success in life to our fruitfulness. – Gen. 1:28. The kind of fruit each believer is called to produce is described in Gal. 5:22-23. This is a picture of the life and nature of Jesus.

This course is an in-depth study of each aspect of the fruit of the Spirit. You will learn the purpose, the rewards, and the means to fully develop and manifest the fruit of the Spirit in your life and ministry.

Arthur Meintjes

38. Let Freedom Reign

When we talk about freedom, it means different things to different people. For the majority of believers, freedom in a Christian’s life is only achieved through great sacrifice and hard work.

When we have sacrificed and labored long and hard enough, we are ultimately rewarded with freedom; freedom from sin or freedom from bondage such as from drugs, alcohol, pornography or whatever we perceive freedom to be.

In this teaching we will discover that freedom in the New Testament is a gift.